A short reminder by way of an introduction
As you probably know, we offer full legal services with regards to establishing a trade licence. The agreed fee for this process includes, among other things, all fees associated with the registration and issuance of a trade licence. This means that you, the client, pay the agreed sum and can rest assured that nothing else is required of you – no worries, no stress, no additional fees. Although this sounds simple and understandable, in practice things can go a little differently. The following is an example of this.
We recently arranged a trade licence for one of our clients. We successfully registered them into the Trade Register and sent a trade licence to them. After only a few days, our client sent us an outraged message that they had received a letter from “some kind of register“ requesting immediate payment of a registration fee of CZK 1,677. As you can imagine, we were surprised and asked the client to send us the letter. After opening it, the situation became clear.
When a voluntary activity is presented as an obligation
The letter in question had been sent by the Trade Register as part of their activities to bring together entrepreneurs registered with the Trade Licence Office, which publishes information about their businesses. Although the letter, at first glance, suggests you have no other choice other than to pay the publication fee, the entry into this register is in fact VOLUNTARY!
No legal regulations, no administrative body requires an entry in this register as a condition for performing your trade. Basically, the sole purpose of this register is to advertise, rather ineffectively in our opinion. After all, the Trade Register will neither arrange promotions on your behalf, nor for that matter, provide any other benefits you could expect to generate through advertising, let alone guarantee that your data will be at the top of the list in Internet search engines.

Effective advertising? Not even close
No legal regulations and no administrative body requires the entry in this register as a necessary condition for carrying out your trade. We can say that the only purpose of this registry is your advertisement, however, let’s be honest, this advertisement is not very effective. The trade register (Rejstřík obchodu a živnosti)will not ensure your promotion. It does not guarantee that your data will be displayed first in the internet search engine or any other benefits that we could expect from advertising.additional fees
Moreover, in view of the confusing letter, they are likely to send it to every new entrepreneur registered in a trade register, the company’s actions give the impression that their sole purpose is for new entrants to send them money and make them feel that it is their duty, not their possibility. They also often use the entrepreneur’s innocence, and especially his insufficient knowledge of the Czech language, as the letter is written in such a way that it really gives the impression of mandatory payment of the said amount at first sight. To give you an idea, we send its form, of course with blackened client data due to the protection of personal data.
From our point of view, we strongly recommend not to react to such a letter at all and not send any funds. However, if you decide to go through the process of registering a trade with our law firm, we guarantee that all fees for establishing a trade lincense are already on the agreed price, which you will pay to our office.additional fees
Contact us for more information.